Registration for the Winter 2025 Session is now closed. If you did not register but wish to attend some/all lectures, you have the Pay-as-You-Go option, paying $10/person/lecture at the door (please bring cash). This option is only available to those coming in person to Harcourt United Church.
are both processed online, through our website. You may use any major credit card, and be assured that our financial transactions are handled in a safe and secure manner.
are announced on this website and through our emails (9am on opening date, 6pm on closing date). Registration is on a “first-come, first-served” basis. If we reach our maximum registration numbers before the planned closing date, it will be announced on the website and via email that registration is closed. TALG does not maintain a waiting list, and late registrations are not accepted.
Your emailed receipt is your confirmation of registration and payment. Now that we are offering a hybrid format (i.e., your choice of attending in person on-site or virtually from off-site), it will once again be possible for non-registered individuals to attend single lectures, in person, at the Pay-as-You-Go fee of $10 (cash please). Anyone who attends in person, but is not listed as registered and paid, will be charged this $10 (cash) admission fee.
REGISTRATION and payment are processed entirely through this website, in a safe and secure manner.
TALG welcomes your enquiries, input and feedback! We’d love to hear from you, whether you have a question, a great topic or speaker to suggest, or are interested in volunteering.
to receive notifications about upcoming lecture series, registration, and other important announcements.
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